Together, for a sustainable future.

Dr Brad Roberts
Liason Officer
Vessel Operations Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Level 3, 655 Collins Street,
Docklands, VIC, 3008

Fiona Simon
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Hydrogen Council

Jonathan Abrahams
Head of Maritime Advisory, ANZ, Advisory Australia
DNV GL Australia Pty Limited

Dr Emma Whittlesea
Principal Policy Officer Climate Change & Sustainable Futures. Environmental Policy and Programs
Department of Environment and Science.
Level 13, 400 George Street,
Brisbane CBD, QLD, 4000

Andrew Broadbent
Director, Hydrogen Industry Development.
Department of State Development, Tourism and Innovation.
Level 18, 1 William Street,
Brisbane, QLD, 4000

Prof Ian D R Mackinnon
Institute for Future Environments and Science and Engineering Faculty. Advisor to Queensland Government on Hydrogen Strategy.
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Paul Bury
Bury Design

Glenn Bourke AM
Chief Executive Officer
Hamilton Island Enterprises Limited

Gareth Phillips

Daniel Borg

Tourism Whitsundays

Andrew Riordan
Incite Accountants & Advisors

Olivia Brodhurst
Whitsunday Climate Change Innovation Hub Coordinator
Whitsunday Regional Council

Sharon Smallwood

Melissa Rodgers
Director Strategic Initiatives (Partnerships)
Great Barrier Reef Foundation
Level 11, 300 Ann Street,
Brisbane QLD 4000

Cranston Polson
CEO & Founder
H2H Energy

John Cole

Rosie King
Director, Engagement & Culture
Energy Estate

Aaron Smith
Founder & Director
H2 Energy Company

Simon Shaw
The Hydrogen Collective
Level 2, 76 Skyring Terrace,
Newstead QLD 4006

Lee Hawkins
Climate Change Resilience Officer
Whitsunday Regional Council
83 – 85 Main Street
Proserpine QLD 4800